SJMAG’s Arts Ed Program has been working in collaboration with:
California Standards:
The Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools, (VAPA), represents a strong consensus on the skills, knowledge, and abilities in dance, music, theatre and visual arts that all students should be able to master at each specific grade level. The content standards are intended to provide a framework for art-based programs that schools offer in the instruction of visual or performing arts.
Arts Content Standards
City of San Jose, Department of Parks and Recreation
Catholic Charities
YMCA Cupertino
Some of the elementary schools we have worked with are:
Sherman Oaks
Sherman Oaks School, a community lighthouse, illuminating visions of the future, guides all learners on a journey as they celebrate today and dream about tomorrow!
Learning in an Urban Community with High Achievement
(LUCHA) Lowell Elementary School
Renaissance Academy Elementary School
Lowell Elementary School
Lowell�s mission is to provide for student academic and personal success. We believe in the statement:’All Students Can Learn; All Students Can Succeed
Anne Darling Elementary School
Empire Gardens Elementary School
Captain Jason M. Dahl Elementary School
(formaly Hillsdale Elementary School)
Mount Pleasant Elementary School
Bachrodt Academy
Shirakawa School
McCollam (Millard) Elementary School